Posted: Tuesday May 25, 2021
If parents have concerns with their son’s learning and wish to contact their son’s teacher, the easiest way to do this is by email.
June 4th Friday (Term 2 Week 5)
A reminder that senior students, Year 12 and 13 (Year 11 may bring a moped or similar), must complete a vehicle permission form before they bring a vehicle to school.
All students are able to download this for free on up to five devices.
Parents are able to access: Daily notices, student details, financial, attendance, NCEA summary, results, POWER scores, reports and career pathways.
Young Enterprise Trust has officially launched the new Alumni Awards and nominations are open NOW!
During the recent school holidays, a number of students from Timaru Boys' and Timaru Girls' took a day trip to Mount Cook.
What an end to the rowing season for Timaru Boys’ - just when we thought we couldn’t do any better!
Posted: Monday May 24, 2021