Posted: Wednesday March 11, 2020
Could all Summer Sports Prizegiving Cups and Trophies (including Atheltics awards), please be returned to the Student Office asap.
The South Island SS Tennis Championships were held in Timaru over the weekend 29 Feb - 1 March at the Trust Aoraki Tennis Centre.
TBHS has a small but committed Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Saxon McNoe and Flynn O'Keefe were the record breakers at the annual TBHS Athletic sports held on Monday and Tuesday 17-18 February in fine conditions at the Aorangi Stadium all weather track.
Posted: Monday March 9, 2020
Congratulations to Tea Goodman (Year 9), one of our up and coming young sportsmen in the world of Darts.
Posted: Tuesday February 25, 2020
As part of the TBHS Rite Journey Programme, we ask our boys to complete two physical challenges that take place during the year.
As TBHS teachers will be attending a Paid Union Meeting on Friday 28 February, the school day will finish for all students at 12:45pm.
Posted: Thursday February 20, 2020
Having had an extremely successful 2019 result on the playing field, TBHS Hockey is excited to announce a two-year partnership between KPMG and the TBHS 1st XI.
Posted: Sunday February 16, 2020
Kia ora everyone! Congratulations to all our students who achieved in their NCEA and UE qualifications in 2019.