Posted: Wednesday April 14, 2021
Sunday 23 May, 1pm Onwards
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Timaru District Council Thriving Together Competition.
What’s fun, interactive, and guaranteed to make you laugh at the most unusual of antics?
Our KAMAR parent portal gives access to daily notices, student details, financial, attendance, NCEA summary, results, POWER scores, reports and career pathways.
All students are able to download this for free on up to five devices.
A reminder that senior students, Year 12 and 13 (Year 11 may bring a moped or similar), must have completed a vehicle permission form before they bring a vehicle to school.
Please note the following dates for upcoming Teacher Only days.
These have been emailed to Parents/Caregivers and the students.
Whole school conferencing takes place on Friday 7 May (the first Friday Term 2).