Posted: Thursday November 9, 2017
Grab a friend and learn to surf!
The TBHS Second Hand Uniform Sale will be held on Friday 8 December from 1pm (following Junior Prizegiving) until 4:30pm.
A change to tradition saw the announcing of 2018 school prefects and leaders at this year’s Senior Prizegiving.
We have named our Thomas House Senior Student Leaders for 2018.
Posted: Wednesday November 8, 2017
WANTED…..large white, red, green (Christmas colours) plastic bags e.g. supermarket bags, for students to make a recycled Christmas wreath.
What is Irlen Syndrome or visual stress?
The Royal Thai Embassy in Wellington will be organising “the 6th Thai-NZ Language and Cultural Students Exchange Programme” during 12 January – 13 February 2018 in Thailand.
Congratulations to our Rugby 7s team who have won the Canterbury title for the first time.