Posted: Tuesday August 11, 2020
Watch a short film about famous Old Boy Jack Lovelock.
Our Outdoor Education students have been enjoying some fantastic activities in the great outdoors.
Our annual school ball is being held on Friday 11 September for Year 12 and 13 students who are eligible to attend through good attendance and work record to date. These students have been invited to buy a ticket.
Otago Boys' were too strong across most of the sporting codes in the annual exchange played in perfect winter conditions in Timaru on 4 August.
Does your child suffer from slow and choppy reading, untidy writing,difficulty with focus, concentration,fatigue and or light sensitivity?
Congratulations to rising star, Noah Hollamby, for his exceptional performance at the New Zealand Age Group Cycling Championships in Waipukurau.
Welcome to our two new staff members, Owen Martin and Sarah Smart who have joined the TBHS team from the beginning of Term 3.
Posted: Monday August 10, 2020
This club event was held from 7-9 August with four TBHS swimmers attending as members of Swim Timaru: Dominic Coleman, Benson Arnold, Thomas Kyle and Jack Boorer-Lilley.
Food Tech have hosted some wonderful speakers in class recently.