Posted: Wednesday August 8, 2018
The event returned to Blenheim again this year, with heats and finals taking place on Saturday 7 July.
This year Timaru Boys’ was lucky enough to have swimmers of such a calibre that they were able to attend the New Zealand Opens, enabling them to swim against older and more experienced swimmers.
Contributed by James Smith, Parent
A relaxing finish resulting from many hours of hard work has paid off for Jack Fulton.
Five students from Timaru Boys’ High School achieved outstanding results when they participated in the 2018 ICAS Science exam.
The Thomas House redevelopment continues to gain momentum. It has been extremely encouraging to see the progress being made in recent weeks.
We welcome our new Gap Students who have joined the Thomas House family for a year – Luke Baker from Hertfordshire in England and E-J Crous from Potchefstroom in South Africa.
We welcome two students, Tom Richardson and Hamish Napier, who have joined us from Kinross Wolaroi School in Orange, New South Wales for Term 3.
Tamati McGregor from Taranaki has been carving the new totara frontage for our Te Reo Māori classroom Tane Mahuta.