Year 9 -10

Year 9 Curriculum

In Year 9 the essential learning areas are covered in the interests of a broad and balanced education. All Year 9 students study:

  • Compulsory - English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health
  • Technology - 1/4 year of each of the following: Food Technology, Technology Mechanical - Metal, Technology Construction - Wood, Graphics.
  • The Arts - trimester of each over the year: Art, Music, Drama
    plus the choice of:
  • Language -  Maori
  • Future Skills - complete three over the year: Financial Literacy, Environmental Studies, Digital Literacy

Year 10 Curriculum

In Year 10 all students study the following essential learning areas of: 

  • Compulsory
    English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health, Mana Tangata.
  • Students choose FOUR half year options and at least ONE must be from the arts.
    ARTS: Art, Music, Drama
    GENERAL: Agriculture, Outdoor Education, Economics

  • Students choose TWO half year Technology options
    Food, Digital, Metal, Wood, Design and Visual Communication

    If you studied a language in Year 9 you choose TWO half year options, and at least ONE must be from the ARTS and the usual TWO half year TECHNOLOGY options.

Planning for Year 11

Year 11 students who take English, Mathematics and Science have a wide range of occupations open to them. These subjects provide the foundation of communication and numeracy skills. English and Mathematics are compulsory and students who do not study Science to at least Year 11 level restrict their occupational choices and job opportunities, especially in the scientific and technical fields.

Students should choose most of their subjects according to what they like and what they are good at. Students may take a general education course and choose subjects such as History, Geography, a language, and Commerce and Technology. Some subjects may have direct career links, especially those such as Art and Technology. Early school leavers may find transition to work easier if their courses include such vocational elements.

  • Students who cannot manage full Mathematics should include an alternative mathematics programme.
  • Students who are strongly interested in scientific careers should take Science. Agricultural Science, Geography, and one or more technology subjects may also be desirable.
  • For students interested in design, problem solving, product development and working with materials, considering Engineering, Design & Visual Communication (Graphics), Mechanical or Construction, Food & Nutrition.
  • For students with an interest or ability in Business or Computing, there is a range of subjects such as Digital Technology, Mathematics, Accounting and Economics.
  • Students with an interest in understanding or working with people may consider subjects such as Maori, a foreign language, History, and Geography.
  • Students interested in working with plants, animals or the environment should consider taking Science, Agricultural Science, Mathematics, Outdoor Education or Agriculture
  • Those wanting to use their creative talents may consider Music, Art History, Practical Art, Design Visual Communication (Graphics), Design Technology, Hospitality and Food & Nutrition.

Boys will be given a course intention sheet to complete towards the end of term 3. This sheet is to be returned to the form teacher.

If your long term goal is to attend university, you need to be aware that entry requirements are tightening. Most universities will rank students on their best 80 credits from 5 approved subjects. Therefore, you need to select your courses carefully to ensure you can take a sufficient number of approved subjects in Year 13.

See your Dean for a list of approved subjects or go to NZQA website