The Timaru Boys’ Physical Education Department has a commitment to provide all students with the environment, resources and opportunities to develop them for the present and for the future.
Students need to be able to function effectively in a group situation and be able to have the self confidence to work independently. All students need to be encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and take ownership for learning new skills and gaining knowledge. It is the department’s role to foster societies values and expectations so every student can make positive contributions in situations they find themselves and be a role model for others.
It is essential students have some understanding of what could be in front of them. To establish good routines and habits at school allows for a balanced lifestyle which in turn means quality of living.
The Department acknowledges that providing the opportunities for students to develop positive relationships with others will contribute more to success and being able to deal with issues both in and outside the school gates. Students need to be made aware of the responsibility they have for their own actions and the Department has a responsibility to make sure they have the tools to be able to that.
The Department realises that the affect staff have on students is immense and as role models to be able to reinforce good habits and open up individuals minds to new challenges can be rewarding for both groups.
It is hoped that students grow from their experiences and when they leave school they are equipped physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually to become the best they can be.