Co-curricular participation, especially in competitive group activities, is essential to a boy’s intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional growth. It gives boys diverse ways to excel and gain resilience and self-management.
Sport helps boys to develop holistically; fostering commitment and friendship as well as perseverance and collaboration. Timaru Boys’ ranks in the top tier of sporting competitions across the South Island and nationally, and our students regularly achieve national honours.
The school is accomplished in the performing arts, from its jazz, rock and chamber groups to theatre productions and kapa haka and Pasifika performance. Theatre sports, debating and public speaking flourish in the school. Subjects in the arts regularly adapt to suit evolving youth culture, and the arts perform with distinction in NCEA frequently.
Team-building skills, self-esteem and new understandings are taken from our Outdoor Education programme that starts in Year 9. The Duke of Edinburgh Award, which includes an outdoor expedition component, also builds positive personal qualities.