
What We Do

Every state and state-integrated school in New Zealand has a Board of Trustees that governs it.
The Board of Trustees is a Crown entity.  A Crown entity is an organisation that is part of New Zealand's public sector.

The board's job is to see that everything that needs to be done gets done - legally, ethically, and as well as possible in the best interests of its students.  It is also the employer of all staff, including the Rector, and sets the overall strategic direction for the school.  The Rector is the board's 'Chief Executive' and manages the school in line with the board's direction and policies.

Our Board comprises:

  • five trustees elected from the community
  • the Rector
  • a staff-elected representative
  • a student representative 
  • co-opted trustees as the need arises

For further information on the role of the Board, please visit: MOE: Your School Board of Trustees.

BOT Membership

Brent Isbister (Chairperson, Parent Representative)

Jason Grant (Deputy Chairperson, Parent Representative)

Amanda Winter (Parent Representative)

Kerryn Hurrell (Parent Representative)

Charles Crawford (Parent Representative, Old Boys' Rep)

Jill Harland (Staff Representative)

Peter Stayt (co-opted)

Sina Latu (co-opted)

Michael Henriksen (co-opted)


Dave Thorp (Rector)

Luc Todd (Student Representative)

Kelly Hamer (Board Secretary)


Jason Grant: Chair of Hostel Committee

Fiona Peck: Thomas House Parent Representative

Dave Thorp: Chair of Property Committee

Brent Isbister: Chair of Finance Committee 

Contact us

If you wish to contact a Board member, please email Kelly Hamer on:

School Policies and Procedures

Timaru Boys' High School Policies and Procedures are available to our school community via the following link:

 Username: timaruboys

Password: this has been emailed to our parent community.  For further information, contact the Board Secretary on 03 687 7560 or email

Annual Accounts

The 2023 Annual Report is available here.


Charter Annual Plan 2023

2023 Charter Annual Plan

Board of Trustees Election Results 2022

BOT Staff Election 2022

BOT Parent election results

BoT Student Election 2022

BoT Student election 2023