Timaru Boys’ High School is fortunate to be well supported by current and past families, Old Boys and other valued associates, dedicated to helping the school now and for the future. They give generously of their time, knowledge, and resources to develop new opportunities for the boys, and to further the school’s broader interests.
If you wish to support our school, please contact us on ph: 03 687 7560, email: thorpda@timaruboys.school.nz or facebook: www.facebook.com/timaruboyshigh to advise your contact details and the amount of your donation, so we can send you a receipt. You may be able to claim a portion of your donation back when filing your tax return or completing an IR526.
All support received is greatly appreciated by the students, staff, parents, Board members and those in the Old Boys’ Association; whether it be time, knowledge or resources.
Donations to the school can be made uto the school bank account: 12-3159-0038004-00