
Enrolment Applications

Priority will be given to applications received before March in the year preceding enrolment.

2024 Boarding Fees

The Timaru Boys' High School Board of Trustees has confirmed the boarding fees for 2024 as $15,400 pa (GST incl) plus $150 Activity Fee.  Accounts are emailed regularly and all invoice payments are due within four weeks. Direct credit is encouraged.  The Thomas House Bank Account number is:  12-3159-0038004-02.  Enquiries regarding fees should be forwarded to Business Manager, Christine Swindells

Medical Fee

Parents/Caregivers are required to pay a $200 Medical Fee. This fee is used to cover doctor’s visits, prescriptions, transport for medical, physiotherapy and dental appointments and other authorised transport to music, sports practices and the bus. Any surplus money will be refunded to you at the end of your son’s time in Thomas House. This will be added onto your Thomas House accounts as required.  Enquiries re this fee should be forwarded to Ms Kelly Hamer,

Enrolment Contract

When parents enrol their son in Thomas House, they are asked to pay a $500 bond that will be refunded once their son leaves the hostel provided there are no outstanding expenses. The bond will not be refunded if the student has been withdrawn without adequate notification or he has been asked to leave. 

Parents will also be asked to sign an Enrolment Contract with the Board of Trustees at this time. The terms and conditions of the contract will continue to apply each year of their son's residence in Thomas House. 

To view a copy of the contract click here


Board of Trustees Hostel Committee

Thomas House is governed by the Timaru Boys' High School Board of Trustees who have established a Hostel Committee that meets once a month and is comprised of Board members, the Rector, the Director of Boarding, a representative of the Thomas House Parents' Association and a representative from the boarders.


Policies and Procedures

Timaru Boys' High School Policies and Procedures are available to our school community via the following link:

 Username: timaruboys

Password: this has been emailed to our parent community.  For further information, contact Ms Kelly Hamer, Board Secretary on 03 687 7560 or email


Hostel Parents' Association

We value parental input into the boarding house. There is a Hostel Parents' Association that meets several times a year.

  • First Term: light meal at the hostel with boys and meeting on a Friday night
  • Second Term: social events such as dinner at the Hostel
  • Third Term: light meal at the hostel with boys and meeting on a Friday night. 
  • Fourth Term: dinner at a restaurant 

Hostel Parents' meetings are an ideal time - particularly for parents living some distance from the school - to make contact with the Thomas House team. We need the support of our parents.

Hostel Regulation Guidelines

Please click the following link The Education (Hostel) Regulations 2005 Guidelines