TBHS Careers Department

By P McMecking | Posted: Thursday June 27, 2024

Term 2 update

The TBHS Careers Department has run a range of career-based events in Term 2.

We have had three bus trips to Tertiary Provider’s (Canterbury University, Otago Tertiary Open Day (Otago University and Otago Polytechnic), and Lincoln University to expose the students to what is on offer at these campuses.  Students were able to have guided campus tours, visit halls of residences, and attend academic presentations and activities to get a feel for what campus life could look like in 2025 should they go down this path.

In May we ran a ‘Power Tools’ day for Year 12 students. This was an opportunity for the students to gain insight and practical skills to support them when they leave school.    We had the privilege of having three TBHS Old Boy’s Keroles Abousif - Physiotherapist, Corrin Miller – Electrician, and Flynn Smith – Accountant come to provide some insight to the students about their career pathways upon leaving school.  ASB completed a presentation on budgeting and banking alongside the Timaru Budget Advisory Trust, then we had three rotations – one from The Y around decision making around alcohol and drugs; dressing for success and learning how to iron a shirt, and car maintenance.    Lastly Grant Jenkins & Darren Holden from Grant Jenkins Contracting completing a session on interview skills and insights into what employers are looking for.

Careers — Image by: TBHS

 Approximately 160 of our Year 11’s attended a South Canterbury Pathways Expo on 15 May at the Southern Trust Events Centre.  This Expo was organised by the South Canterbury/North Otago Careers and Transition Education (CATE) team, along with Venture Timaru.  It was aimed at exposing our Year 11 students to different local industries in order to allow them to make more informed decisions about their future career pathways.  

The Gateway students are now out on their Gateway Work placements one full day per week.  We wish to thank all the employers who are offering placements for our students to gain insight into their occupations.  A huge congratulations to some of our Gateway students who have already successfully gained apprenticeships or have left school to start their new careers.

Adam Jones @ JMac Joinery — Image by: TBHS
Harley Eckhardt - Thompson Engineering — Image by: TBHS

Ara Timaru has held some Senior Sector Taster days in the areas of Health, Education, Trades, Hospitality and Service Industries.  These days give students the change to learn first-hand about potential study options and career/employment opportunities in the region.

The Otago Pacific Transition Officer Scotty Opetaia spoke with Year 11 &12 Māori and Pasifika tauira about Tertiary study and support available to them via Otago University.

Year 10 have begun Careers/Subject Choice sessions with Jason Williamson, and we have also started information sessions with senior students considering Tertiary Study in 2025, looking at CCRF’s, Halls of Residence applications etc. 

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