Anzac Ceremonies

By TBHS | Posted: Monday May 1, 2023

Timaru Boys' High School held their annual Anzac Commemorative service on Thursday 6th April

Anzac Service 2023 — Image by: TBHS
Anzac Service 2023 — Image by: TBHS


The Dawn Service has been part of Anzac Day commemorations across New Zealand since 1939. The service is a formal way to honour New Zealanders killed in combat, as well as servicemen and women both returned and still serving.

The Timaru Anzac service began at 6am with a dawn service on Queen Street. The day service was held at the Caroline Bay Soundshell where every section of seating was full. Our TBHS Prefects took part in a haka as a mark of respect. Our boys have spent a lot of time with Hami Goldsmith learning the Aoraki haka. You can view the video on our FB page. 

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