By TBHS | Posted: Saturday March 6, 2021
Optimistically anticipating a change to Covid Alert Level 2 for a secondary schools' triathlon on Thursday 18 March, the TBHS team was pleasantly surprised to see a drop to Level 1 which enabled the event to run.
The individual boys' event saw our team swim 400m, cycle 10km and run 3.5km in 28 degree heat, in fields of about 40 competitors in each grade. Our best placing was Payo O’Sullivan who came 3rd in the U14 boys section.
Friday was rest day, and the boys enjoyed go-karting around the Highland Motorsport Park, where Reef Roberts showed his skill behind the wheel with the best lap time.
Saturday’s ½ Ironman event was our team entry, where Thomas Kyle swam the 1.9km lake swim, Roberts and Benson Arnold cycled the 90kms, and our runners Malachy Cleland and Josh Young completed the last leg of 21 km in the heat of the day. We completed all this in 5 hrs, 6 mins for a credible 6th place in our section that included all schools and corporate teams combined.