Board Updates including Current Board Members

By TBHS | Posted: Saturday September 24, 2016

Sincere thanks to Alex Wilson for his contribution to the Board over the past year. 

Elected as the Student Representative in September 2015, Alex brought a fresh student perspective to discussion. The recent Student Election has seen David Ellis elected as the new student voice – we look forward to David’s input over the coming year.

A warm welcome to our new Board of Trustees members: Jane Sullivan has been selected to fill the Parent Elected position vacated by Graham Sharp and Di Hay has been co-opted to a position on the Board. Both of these ladies bring a wealth of skill sets to the Board table.

Your Board of Trustees look forward to representing you over the next three years. Board members are as follows:

Virginia Callaghan (Chairperson), Peter Stayt (Deputy Chair), Shane Edwards (Chair of Hostel Committee), Bernadine Reynolds (Chair of Finance Committee), Warren Leslie, Jane Sullivan, Di Hay, Gary Ivamy, David Ellis.

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