By TBHS | Posted: Friday December 8, 2017
This year we are asking all Year 10 students going into Year 11 in 2018, and Year 11 students going into Year 12, to have an extended text to read over the holidays.
We are asking parents and caregivers for their help in ensuring their sons read these books as we are going to start our year in 2018 with a Personal Response Assessment. An extended text could be fiction or non- fiction that is long enough to read over a reasonable period of time. They should also be suitable for Level One or Two English NCEA.Year 11 students will have been sent an email from the Library with website links for suggestions for reading, plus what is available on eBooks through the school. Year 10 students will be emailed before the end of the year. Books can be taken out from the school library for the holidays and don’t forget that the Timaru District Library or any Library near you, will have some fantastic reads for the holidays. Books also make wonderful Christmas presents!!The English Department appreciate your support in encouraging reading throughout the year but especially over the Christmas holiday. Happy reading.