A collaborative approach to pastoral care from all staff members at Timaru Boys' High School provides a supportive environment for boys to grow and learn. The pastoral care network includes the Guidance Counsellor, Form level Deans, Careers Advisor, Learning Support Centre, Classroom teachers and Public Health Nurse.
Each Year level has an allocated Dean(s). Deans are available to help boys with a range of issues, both pastoral and academic. Parents/caregivers are welcome to contact their son's Dean to discuss any concerns.
Year 9: Year 10: Year 11: Year 12: Dean of PACE: |
The Guidance Counsellor is available to the school community on a confidential basis. Families are welcome to contact Mr Phil Robertshaw directly to have a chat about anything that is of concern at school or at home. Phil can also help families access a range of services in the local community if needed.
Contact: robertshawph@timaruboys.school.nz
Phone: (03) 687 7560 ext 724
The Learning Support team assists boys that need additional help in the classroom to succeed in their studies. They also coordinate the process for Special Assessment Conditions for NCEA examinations, i.e. reader/writer assistance.
Contact: Sally Hilton (SENCO): hiltonsa@timaruboys.school.nz
Phone: (03) 687 7560
Your son has been given a 'Tough Times' pamphlet by his form teacher with details about the following New Zealand websites which are designed to help 12-19 year olds and are safe and private.
Click here for the Wellbeing Hauora website which has been developed to provide resources for our ākonga and staff.
At times we do have enquiries from parents concerned about their son’s online activity. Netsafe is a New Zealand organisation which supports students, parents and teachers in this area. From their website “Netsafe is New Zealand’s independent, non-profit online safety organisation. We provide online safety help, support, expertise and education to people in New Zealand.”
If you do have concerns or questions, please visit their website:
Mission Statement:“To create a school environment where positive behaviour is promoted and reinforced, and students develop and display a pride in their academic, cultural and sporting endeavours. This will enable students to engage as life-long learners and achievers, inspiring them to contribute positively to their communities.”
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Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) is a Ministry of Education directed programme aimed at improving the outcomes for students by teaching them what the expected values are at school.
TBHS began the programme in 2014 with the support of the school community. Since its inception at TBHS we have seen the creation of the POWER values, as well as a new rewards system and a new pastoral process. A highlight of PB4L has been the weekly prize draw. A number of generous sponsors have supported the school and allowed us to reward students who are consistently displaying the POWER values of TBHS. The culmination of the year is centred around a major prize draw in Term 4 where students who have earned gold cards throughout the year are able to win numerous fantastic prizes. In recent years, these have included laptops, televisions and other electronic goods. PB4L is now strongly embedded in the culture of Timaru Boys' High School and will continue to be a framework that assists our success moving into the future.
A positive behaviour reward system is used to promote positive behaviour in and out of the classroom. The school values are set out to encourage and promote positive behaviour with all students in all settings. There are many ways that we acknowledge and reward students following the school-wide values of Pride, Our responsibility, Willing participate, Earning respect and Right attitude.
Year 9: Stamp Cards
When a student shows behaviours that reflect the theme from the school POWER values, teachers could give students a stamp on their PB4L card. Each card has 12 spaces to be stamped. Once completed, the cards get placed into the draw for different levels of prizes. Bronze cards are drawn weekly, Silver drawn termly, and Gold at the end of the year. Students complete 5x Bronze, 3x Silver and as many Golds as they can.
We encourage caregivers to ask students about their cards and enquire why they got each stamp.
Year 10 and Year 11: POWER Vouchers
After feedback from staff and students it became clear that we needed to revamp the reward system for these year levels. Each fortnight teachers will be allocated “POWER” vouchers. They then allocate the vouchers at any time during the fortnight to a student who exhibits the values at a level above and beyond what is expected of them. When a student receives a voucher they are acknowledged for why they have been given the voucher. If appropriate this can be done in front of the class to reinforce the behaviour.
Once the student has received the voucher they can redeem it at the Student Office for an instant prize. Alternatively, they can hold on to the voucher and wait to collect additional ones to gain a reward of greater value.
Year 12 and Year 13: POWERing for the Future
The POWERing for the Future cards have been designed for each student to manage their own progress during the year in the following areas.
Students become more aware of how they can show the school POWER values in school life and how these can transfer to skills beyond school. Completing the profile requires students to work closely with staff. This working relationship encourages communication and advice which will have the potential to turn into positive outcomes for both parties.
Megan Blake: blakeme@timaruboys.school.nz
Chris Packwood: packwoodch@timaruboys.school.nz
Please email any of the above staff members if you have further questions.