Summary of Y-Whānau

By The Y | Posted: Wednesday July 3, 2024

Y-Whānau is a platform for parents and caregivers to engage in positive parenting, offering a secure and educational environment.

Facilitators share knowledge, tips, and support for those involved in a young person's life, aiming to uplift the dignity and well-being of all participants.

Vision: Empower and strengthen whānau within the community through strength-based conversations.

Outcomes: Ensure everyone involved with the young person is aligned, keeping the child at the centre of decision-making and planning.


1. The Teenage Brain: Understanding puberty and brain development to clarify adolescent behaviours.

2. Family Dynamics + Parenting Styles: Discussing family dynamics and the benefits of responsive parenting over reactive parenting.

3. Communication: Learning effective communication skills and handling communication breakdowns through hands-on activities.

4. Sexual Consent, Alcohol, and Drugs: Early conversations about sexual activity, alcohol, drugs, relationships, and incorporating family values.

5. Devices and Technology: Facilitating healthy discussions and practices regarding the use of technology at home.

6. The 16+ Years – What’s Next?: Encouraging open discussions about life beyond academics, exploring alternative education, employment, volunteering, and supporting the passions and strengths of teenagers.

In this group, you can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Our guidelines emphasize creating a safe space, using respectful language and behaviour, and agreeing to disagree when necessary. Confidentiality is paramount: what is said in the room stays in the room, except in cases of self-harm or harm to others, where the facilitator will intervene to provide support.

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