Message from the Rector

By Dave Thorp, Rector | Posted: Friday July 5, 2024

Kia ora te whanāu

The winter sun is streaming through my window as I write this.  What a glorious, South Canterbury winter’s day! We have just celebrated Matariki at school and it really works as a time to look back and look forward. The shortest day is behind us and spring is just a couple of months away.  It’s interesting that Māori used the depth of winter to mark the New Year, just like the people who live in the northern hemisphere. 

Our large Year 9 cohort, all 200 of them, are going well. They have been enjoying our new subject, ACTV, which is half sports and exercise and half kapa haka. Mike Reihana and Hami Goldsmith from Te Aitarakihi Marae-a-Iwi Multicultural Centre have been leading the boys through a number of haka and waiata - I’ve even seen some taiaha training taking place. I’m looking forward to the Waitaki interschool, because these Year 9 boys haka with passion and volume.

Due to Covid-19, we haven’t been able to put on a production at TBHS since 2018.  Our recent production of Mallet Man was a real success.  The cast was great and all 3 nights were full. Thanks so much to the director and creator of the play, Wayne Doyle and all the other teachers and volunteers who helped out.

The big winter sports are all racing towards the business end of their competitions.  A few, of course, will roll deep into Term 3 after attending tournaments. Some codes are doing really well and some are struggling a bit, which is just the up and down nature of being a middle-sized, provincial school.  However, we have record numbers of boys participating in at least one sport and every game is being played with passion and a will to win. Thanks so much to all those parents and volunteers who have been turning up in the cold to games and practices - we couldn’t keep the show going without you!!

As you will all know, we’ve been having quite a bit of trouble with our uniform supply, and we have allowed students to wear a range of jackets and socks over the last 2 terms.  NZ Uniforms (Washdyke) now have these items back in stock and we have told the boys that it’s time to dress properly.  Could you please make sure that your son is wearing the correct uniform next term?  Thanks for your support with this.

Term 3 is a busy term for learning and achievement.  Our senior school exams take place in Week 5.  We will be checking the credit tallies of senior students at the start of Term 3 and we will contact parents if we see any early problems. The new literacy and numeracy co-requisite requirements for NCEA are proving a challenge. Junior students are working hard on their literacy and numeracy, with a real focus on formal writing skills. Ask your son about our CAP? editing process.

I hope some of you can get some time off during these school holidays and enjoy some quality family time.  I look forward to welcoming the boys back to school on July 22nd, 8.45am sharp.

Scientia Potestas est - Mā te Mātauranga te Mana

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