Year 12 POWER Tools Day

By TBHS | Posted: Friday July 5, 2019

On 4 July, our Year 12 students were required to be at school dressed in clothes that they deemed appropriate to wear to a job interview.

Many of our boys looked very sharp and others got to see some examples of options that they could try in the future. During the day, they completed five rotations across the following topics.

Insurance 101 - Different types, why insure, jargon busters
Mental Health 101 - Building resilience, managing stress and anxiety
Fire Safety 101 - Smoke alarms, escape plan, flatting and fire risks
Law 101 - How can the law affect me, Q + A
Man dress 101 - Ironing a shirt, shoe maintenance, tie presentation

We were fortunate to be able to have external presenters, Mr Shane Dowling from Mainland Insurance, Mr Luke Smeele from Community Law Canterbury and Mr Bevan Findlay from the NZ Fire Service, providing their time and expertise to our boys. It is much appreciated as they provide knowledge and experience that our boys may otherwise not easily access.

Our second POWER tools day will be held late in Term 3.

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