Programme for Achieving Careers and Employment (PACE)

By TBHS | Posted: Wednesday September 6, 2017

This programme has been designed and implemented with the focus on Year 11 students who may struggle with attaining their Level 1 National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) in mainstream classes, and to enable a transition into Year 12, other study options or the workplace.

The class structure is based around a homeroom setting as the class stay together all day, building a secure and supportive environment for the students. The class teachers have a desire to work alongside these students, aware that they may require different strategies for their learning programmes.

A student that is accepted into the PACE programme will be required to have a desire to achieve Level 1 NCEA, a willingness to consider, investigate and plan for their future career, and a commitment to attend 90% or better over a term. Self-management of learning and assessment is important.

The outcomes of the PACE programme are as follows:

  • Complete the Literacy and Numeracy standards required to gain NCEA Level 1
  • The opportunity to gain 80 credits required to gain NCEA Level 1
  • Complete learning with real practical applications
  • Investigate pathways in Year 12 and beyond school to support vocational direction 

The class is run through a six period day and subjects taught are as follows:

  • Mathematics 10 credits (Numeracy)
  • English 10 Credits (Communication Skills Literacy)
  • Physical Education
  • Food Technology
  • Science
  • Workshop Technology
  • Transition

There are a number of other courses the students will be completing as the year progresses, these include:

  • Geraldine high rope course
  • Carpentry (Ara)
  • Engineering (Ara)
  • Machine Shop (Ara)
  • Introduction to Welding (Ara)

The students will have the opportunity to complete approximately 90 credits (this will vary slightly depending on their external course choices) The courses have been created to meet the needs of this group of students. English, Science and NCES  (National Certificate of Employment Skills) all lead directly to Year 12 courses. Mathematics, workshop and Physical Education will also link into Year 12 options, depending on the level of attainment gained.

We are looking at new courses for 2018, to be finalised by the end of 2017. If you have any questions relating to the PACE programme, or would like to meet with someone to discuss this course, contact details are below:

Paul Bennison:

Lynn Molyneux:

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