Board of Trustees Update

By TBHS | Posted: Thursday June 15, 2017

Board Profile: Gary Ivamy, Staff Representative

Hi - my name is Gary Ivamy. Married with five children and a grandson, I have been on the Board of Trustees for five years. I am the Sports Director at Timaru Boys’ and keen on long distance running and football as well as being a House Master at Thomas House Boarding Hostel which is on site at Timaru Boys’.

As the Staff Representative on the BOT, my job is no different than that of any other trustee, working in the overall interests of the school. I am not the delegate for staff but will often offer a staff perspective. I also sit on the Hostel Committee.

This is an exciting but also challenging time to be on the Board of Trustees. With ERO having just visited and a number of building projects on the go or in the planning stage, these provide a major focus for the Board. This is a great school to be part of and I enjoy the honour of sitting on the Board of Trustees.

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