By TBHS | Posted: Wednesday August 8, 2018
Tamati McGregor from Taranaki has been carving the new totara frontage for our Te Reo Māori classroom Tane Mahuta.
Whilst here, our Te Reo classes have enjoyed spending time with Tamati as he works on the new mahau, learning about the heritage, spiritualism and symbolism, and technique of traditional carving, and how they can become involved in it more themselves. It was really interesting to see how Tamati has continually expressed in the carving Mā te Mātauranga te Mana, Scienta Potestas Est, Knowledge is Power.
There will be a ceremony mid- September to erect and bless the carvings as a TBHS taonga once finalised, with a very special status and longer term standing in the school’s tikanga.