Mā te mātauranga te mana

By TBHS | Posted: Friday December 14, 2018

Mā te mātauranga te mana. Empowerment through education and being connected to our past and our future is the story behind the new whakairo (carvings) on the mahau (porch) of Tane Mahuta our whare.

This year we were privileged to have Master Carver Tamati McGregor (Ngāti Raukawa) from Taranaki fashion new carvings for our mahau. His theme for the work encompassed our spiritual connection with Ranginui and Papatuanuku, Tane Mahuta’s journery to the heavens to receive the three baskets of knowledge, and Maui’s great feat of fishing up Aotearoa from the deep sea. Each of the carvings links the present to the past and our hopes for the future.

Last week the new carvings were erected and presented to the school at a special ceremony and blessing. Our local kaumatua, Te Wera King and the family of Matua Smiley Haua attended alongside Tamati. The carvings were blessed and Tamati told us the story behind his work. We are humbled by their beauty and their mana.

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